Dmax general/common features

Most frequent questions and answers for Dmax General/Common Features

The time is defined based on the time of the smartphone. If the smartphone is properly set, the module will be too.

In case Summer time was not taken into account, simply reconnect, go to advanced settings and the synchronization will be done automatically with the new time.

3 types of events are available: daily, monthly and annually. The user can add up to 24 mixed events.

Daily events can be configured with a filter for certain days when the event should not be executed.

Note that if a power cut occurs, you will need to reconnect in order to re-synchronize the events so that they could be properly executed.

The list of events is available in the events creation screen via the “calendar” button in the top-right corner.


When a power cut occurs, most of your settings are saved in an internal memory proper to each module. After rebooting, the module is ready to operate properly but all the clock-based events are disabled since the clock is not updated anymore.

Modules do not have a way to save their clock during a power cut (no battery inside the module).